Mobile industry executives from around the world descended on St. John's College in Cambridge, UK for two days last week (end of June 2011) to discuss the future of the wireless industry globally.
The key issue for the conference delegates to consider was how to deal with the explosion that was already happening and is due to occur more in the use of mobile data. Several speakers talked about the mind-blowing numbers in terms of demands from mobile consumers, and how capacity on mobile networks was limited. There was even a presentation that suggested users could be made to download big files (eg. movies and other content) at off-peak times at night to better utilize network capacity.
One of the talks at the conference that was relevant for the titlle of this article and to Indian audiences was the growth and potential growth of mobile in rural areas of India. The talk was given by Mr. Swaminathan, executive senior vice-president and hub head of the wireless business of Reliance Communications, who said that rural India was the key to mobile growth in the country. You can read a posting that summarizes what he said at this link.
The Future of Mobile in India is Rural
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