Russian men understand romance
While there are tons of websites giving tips on how to date Russian women, few focus on the reverse possibility. Dating a Russian man can sometimes be confusing, as cultural differences can interfere in what should be an exciting time for both. Learning what to do and what to avoid will help you in the dating process.
Be a Lady
Men and women in Russia have a clear and distinct place in society. Chivalry still exists, and men are expected to carry heavy bags, open doors and help women down the stairs or along a slippery sidewalk. Don't take it as an attack to your individuality, but as a form of respect for you. Let the guy be a guy and don't act offended when he insists on picking up the tab at the restaurant. It's normal for him and a sign of respect for you.
Also, take care of your appearance, as this is important to Russian men. Women in Russia are hardly ever seen without high heels or makeup and are always proud of their sensuality and appearance. Look beautiful, but also make sure you feel beautiful. Confidence is attractive to Russian men.
Have a Talk
Russian society is a lot more forgiving when it comes to men cheating, lying or making decisions without consulting their partners. If this is something you won't allow, set clear rules from the beginning. Tell him what you expect from him and the relationship and what things are deal breakers.
If the relationship is getting serious, you should also talk about family. Children are crucial to a Russian man, and many will not accept a marriage unless children are part of the deal. Also, Russian women pride themselves in taking care of their homes and their men, so Russian men in general expect the woman to perform all household chores. In some cases, men expect women to stop working and stay home to raise the kids after marriage. Setting up clear rules about what's acceptable to you will prevent later disagreements.
Understand Cultural Differences
Cultural differences play an important role in dating and this is especially obvious when dating a Russian man. Avoid talk of politics, as this is traditionally a men's topic. Also, drinking is a social affair for Russian men, so don't be surprised if a date with him involves tons of vodka. Unless you have an issue with alcohol or he's crossing the line, join him.
There's no such thing as personal space in Russia, and Russian men will see it as normal to hold your arm or stand very close to you when speaking. If you're in the beginning stages of the relationship and this makes you uncomfortable, say something. Otherwise, keep in mind that this is not an indication that he likes you and plans on seeing you again. It's just a cultural thing.
Tips on Dating a Russian Man
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