Fashion moves fast, but we've got you covered with all the latest industry news:
You get all of your sexy underpinnings there, why not the ones you'll wear on your big day? Victoria's Secret has announced they're launching bridal lingerie, just in time for wedding season! The line launches this month and you can expect sexy frills, lace and garters—in wedding white of course. Keep an eye out for the collection on
The people have spoken! A few months ago Derek Lam designed a collection for eBay, then let the fans choose which pieces would go into production. The votes have been counted and the summery five-piece collection is now available for pre-order. Head to to snag your fave piece before it goes on sale on May 10!

Carmen Steffens gets sued by Christian Louboutin
Christian Louboutin is getting his sue on again! Just days after hitting YSL with a trademark case against their red-soled red pumps, another case against Brazilian designer Carmen Steffens has been launched. Steffens uses various shades of red on her shoes and has been doing so since 1996, a year before Louboutin filed the trademark on his. What do you think, grounds for a case or starting to get silly?
See more from StyleBistro:
Victoria's Secret Models in Lingerie 2010
The world's most beautiful women skipped around in their skivvies...again.
Victoria's Secret Debuts Bridal Lingerie in Time for Wedding Season
Victoria's Secret Debuts Bridal Lingerie in Time for Wedding Season
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